Smart English Coach
Smart English Coach helps you get to advanced English level FAST. Get the strategies, mindset and shortcuts for fluent and confident English speaking. Presented by Clare Whitmell, an English teacher and coach, with 20+ years' experience of teaching students from around the world.
Smart English Coach
How Can Introverts Become Fluent In English?
Season 1
Episode 100
Welcome to the 100th episode of the Smart English Coach podcast!
This episode is for you if you're an introvert and a naturally shy person. How can you get fluent in English if you prefer to be on your own, rather than with other people?
I share some useful strategies to help you build your fluency in ways that feel comfortable to you. (If you're an extrovert, you might find these ideas useful as well!)
Vocabulary note
to blurt out = say something suddenly, without thinking. You "blurt out a secret", for example.
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