Smart English Coach
Smart English Coach helps you get to advanced English level FAST. Get the strategies, mindset and shortcuts for fluent and confident English speaking. Presented by Clare Whitmell, an English teacher and coach, with 20+ years' experience of teaching students from around the world.
Smart English Coach
How To Focus Your English Learning
Season 1
Episode 86
When there's so much advice and so many strategies for learning English, which do you choose? How can you avoid confusion and overwhelm so that you can follow the right learning path for you?
In this episode, I share the strategy of one student who has created a clear focus for English learning. I look at:
- how you can create your own focus
- how to choose learning activities that match your focus
- how to 'measure' your results
I hope you enjoy hearing about my student - and that his story will help you feel more in control of your English learning!
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