Smart English Coach
Smart English Coach helps you get to advanced English level FAST. Get the strategies, mindset and shortcuts for fluent and confident English speaking. Presented by Clare Whitmell, an English teacher and coach, with 20+ years' experience of teaching students from around the world.
Smart English Coach
How To Get Beyond The Intermediate Plateau
Season 1
Episode 61
This episode is for you if you’ve ever experienced (or if you’re experiencing) the intermediate plateau: that you've got to a point in your English when progress feels much slower than before.
It's really common at the B2 or upper-intermediate level, but there are lots of things you can do to get past it!
In this episode:
- six reasons why we get to a plateau (adapted from "The Plateau Effect" written by Bob Sullivan and Hugh Thompson)
- the 3 C's approach to getting past the intermediate plateau, with ideas for you to try.
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